From the 13th to the 16th of October, IAAS Switzerland has invited its neighbouring committees for a motivational weekend. Through this event the participants from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Slovenia had the chance to better get to know their region and make new friends. Around the topic “Back to the roots”, the IAASers got to enjoy the traditional Swiss cuisine and a live performance of the famous way of singing called “Jodel”. The highlight of the program was a full day of collecting our own food, followed by a cooking class where all ingredients were used. We started off with a tour in the forest where we learned about the local types of mushroom and how to distinguish the edible from the poisonous ones. Despite the very bad weather conditions we were lucky enough to find so many of the Chlorophyllum rachodes mushrooms to serve the 30 of us. We then continued our strawl in the city of Zurich, guided by one of the first Guerilla gardeners and author of the cooking book “Edible City”, Maurice Maggi. With his help we managed to collect a wild carrot, cornel cherries, blackthorn berries, beechnuts and stinging nettle (leaves and seeds) all grown in the city. The dinner tasted even better knowing that you collected the food yourself!
After these 3 intense, interesting and exciting days we hope that our guests returned happy and full of new knowledge and we hope you all are motivated for our exchange week next spring!!