Panel Discussion: Jobs for sustainable change

This year, IAAS Switzerland decided to organise a panel discussion. The topic was Jobs for sustainable change. Why? Because we all want to know what we can do with our degree! How and where can we have the biggest impact with what we studied?

We invited five people to our panel discussion:

– Dr. Gian-Kasper Plattner – Senior Scientist WSL, IPCC Panelist.

– Anaïs Tilquin – organizer of Renovate Switzerland

– Mirjam Schleiffer – FiBL (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture)

– Christian Etter – Project Manager Sustainability Migros Group

– Jasmin Schmid – Member of the Energy and Environment Commission Küttigen

The moderator was Anna Fierz – journalist and podcaster at tre!bhaus – the climate podcast. 

After a short introduction of everyone and a presentation about the topic the discussion started. We had some really interesting insights into the jobs of all our guests and learned a lot about how they have an impact in sustainable change. Unfortunately, we had to end the discussion after about an hour.

After the discussion, we had a delicious Apéro from Ässbar where we could talk to all the panelists a bit more. It was truly an inspiring event and we could all learn from it!

You can watch the recording on the ETH website;)

